Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Q4. Who might be the audience for your media product?

Before I started designing my magazine my target audience where both males and females aged 16-18 that listen to rock music, but looking at my final product I think that my magazine would still be aimed at both sexes but could be aimed also at people in their early 20's as this age group like to listen to new rock bands aswell as people in their late teens.
The name of the magazine 'Lithium' is quite and edgy, dynamic and exiting word, this would appeal to the target market of people that listen to rock music as a stereotype of those type of people is edgy and dynamic. The fact that it is quite an exiting name also appeals to a younger audience as they would be looking for something fun when looking for a magazine.
On my magazine front cover I had two advertisements, one for a festival and one for free posters included in the magazine, both these advertisements would appeal to a younger audience, as teenager would like to fill their room with posters of their favourite bands and the age range for people wanting to go to festivals is from around 16-25 so that advertisement would appeal to that audience.
The main colours that I have used on my magazine front cover are blue, pink, green and white. The colour pink is predominantly associated with girls, so the pink writing make the magazine look quite girly, but as there is a very deep blue in the background and blue is usually associated with boys, it balances out the oink to make the magazine look more attractive to both sexes. These colours that I used are also quite bright, synthetic and edgy, which would appeal to people that listen to rock music.
On the front cover of the magazine, the main image is of a girl singing. At first I thought this could maybe make the magazine appeal to more to females, but after looking at other rock magazines, I could see that they often put images of females on them, such as Paramore on the front of Kerrang down below and Kerrang appeal to both a male and female audience. It could maybe even appeal to men even more.

The price of my magazine is £1.99, I did this so that my magazine would be more affordable to my target market of 16-18 year olds as most only earn a little bit of money. But this price range could also appeal to people in their early twenties aswell as many young adults are either at university or starting out in a new job which doesn't pay as much as you have to work your way up, so they don't have much money to spare so this price would be appealing to them.
I think the class that this magazine would appeal to would be the middle classes. In the magazine their is a gig guide, pages about festivals and concert photos so to be able to afford to go to these events you have to have a bit of money. I don't think this magazine would appeal ton the upper classes as much as they are not stereotyped for listening to rock music very much, but it could appeal to lower classes aswell as it is fairly cheap and has free posters inside of it.
Overall, I think that my magazine has target the audience of both males and females age 16-18 as I wanted it to, but I think that the she range has widened into people in their twenties aswell.

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